DolarInfo Tools
DolarInfo provides accurate and up-to-date exchange rate information between the US Dollar and the Mexican Peso. Whether you are in Mexico or a Mexican living in the United States, our platform provides the reliable data you need.
Current Exchange Rates
The latest rates from 19 financial institutions.
Historical Data
Analyze past trends to make informed decisions.
Currency Calculator
Quickly convert currencies with our easy-to-use tool.
Latest Financial News
Get news from trusted sources like El Financiero, El Universal, and El Economista.
Why Choose
Real-Time Updates Every 1 Minute
Stay ahead of the market with exchange rates updated every minute.
Transparency and Accuracy
We source our data directly from banks, government institutions, and official exchanges, providing direct links for your verification.
Transparency and Accuracy
We source our data directly from banks, government institutions, and official exchanges, providing direct links for your verification.
Expert-Verified Data
Our team of economists and data analysts review and vet all information.
Years combined experience
Data audits per year
Meet Our Team
Our team brings over 50 years of experience in financial markets, currency analysis, and data analytics. They devise all data calculation methodologies, and rigorously review and validate all the information we present.
Trusted by Professionals
Regularly cited by top financial news outlets, our data is recognized as a gold standard in the industry.
Trusted by Professionals
Regularly cited by top financial news outlets, our data is recognized as a gold standard in the industry.
Comprehensive News Curation
Access the latest breaking news on the peso/dollar exchange from Mexicos most reputable financial news sources, including El Financiero, El Universal, and El Economista.
Our Commitment to You
At DolarInfo, we prioritize accuracy, transparency, and timeliness. Unlike competitors who may have errors or delays, we ensure you have access to the most reliable and current exchange rate data available.
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